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South Africa Players Start with H

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. WJ Cronje Wessel Johannes Cronje 1992
2. GC Viljoen GC Viljoen 2016
3. HV Baumgartner Harold Vane Baumgartner 1913
4. HD Bromfield Harry Dudley Bromfield 1961
5. HM Amla Hashim Mahomed Amla 2004
6. HJ Keith Headley James Keith 1953
7. HG Kuhn Heino Gunther Kuhn 2009
8. H Klaasen Heinrich Klaasen 2018
9. H Davids Henry Davids 2012
10. HLE Promnitz Henry Louis Ernest Promnitz 1927
11. HM Taberer Henry Melville Taberer 1902
12. HS Williams Henry Smith Williams 1999
13. HW Taylor Herbert Wilfred Taylor 1912
14. HF Wade Herbert Frederick Wade 1935
15. HH Gibbs Herschelle Herman Gibbs 1996
16. HW Chapman Horace William Chapman 1914
17. HH Francis Howard Henry Francis 1899
18. HJ Tayfield Hugh Joseph Tayfield 1949
19. HD Ackerman Hylton Deon Ackerman 1998
Scores Upcoming Results
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