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South Africa Players Start with D

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. DM Benkenstein Dale Martin Benkenstein 1998
2. DW Steyn Dale Willem Steyn 2004
3. D Taylor Daniel Taylor 1914
4. D Paterson Dane Paterson 2017
5. DL Piedt Dane Leeroy Piedt 2014
6. DJ Vilas Dane James Vilas 2012
7. DC Parkin Durant Clifford Parkin 1892
8. DJ Cullinan Daryll John Cullinan 1993
9. DM Dupavillon Daryn Miles Dupavillon 2020
10. D Smit Daryn Smit
11. DJ Callaghan David John Callaghan 1992
12. AW Nourse Arthur William Nourse 1902
13. DJ Richardson David John Richardson 1991
14. DB Rundle David Bryan Rundle 1994
15. DJ Jacobs David Johan Jacobs
16. DG Bedingham David Guy Bedingham 2023
17. DEJ Ironside David Ernest James Ironside 1953
18. DA Miller David Andrew Miller 2010
19. DB Pithey David Bartlett Pithey 1963
20. DJ Terbrugge David John Terbrugge 1998
21. D Wiese David Wiese 2013
22. D Elgar Dean Elgar 2012
23. DW Begbie Denis Warburton Begbie 1948
24. DT Lindsay Denis Thomson Lindsay 1963
25. DS Tomlinson Denis Stanley Tomlinson 1935
26. DV Dyer Dennis Victor Dyer 1947
27. D Gamsy Dennis Gamsy 1970
28. DPB Morkel Denijs Paul Beck Morkel 1927
29. D Brand Derek Brand
30. DN Crookes Derek Norman Crookes 1994
31. GD Varnals George Derek Varnals 1964
32. D Brevis Dewald Brevis 2023
33. D Pretorius Dewald Pretorius 2002
34. RJ Westcott Richard John Westcott 1954
35. WHM Richards William Henry Matthews Richards 1889
36. D du Preez Dillon du Preez
37. D Ferreira Donovan Ferreira 2023
38. LE Tapscott Lionel Eric Tapscott 1923
39. AW Briscoe Arthur Wellesley Briscoe 1935
40. DJ Meintjes Douglas James Meintjes 1923
41. D Jansen Duan Jansen
42. D Olivier Duanne Olivier 2017
43. AD Nourse Arthur Dudley Nourse 1935
44. GL Tapscott George Lancelot Tapscott 1913
45. D Pretorius Dwaine Pretorius 2016
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