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South Africa Players Start with G

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. GJ Kruger Garnett John-Peter Kruger 2006
2. G Kirsten Gary Kirsten 1993
3. GWA Chubb Geoffrey Walter Ashton Chubb 1951
4. GM Griffin Geoffrey Merton Griffin 1960
5. GF Bissett George Finlay-Bissett 1927
6. GM Fullerton George Murray Fullerton 1947
7. GK Glover George Keyworth Glover 1896
8. GAL Hearne George Alfred Lawrence Hearne 1922
9. GF Linde George Fredrik Linde 2019
10. GM Parker George Macdonald Parker 1924
11. GA Rowe George Alexander Rowe 1896
12. GH Shepstone George Harold Shepstone 1896
13. G Thornton George Thornton 1902
14. GE Bond Gerald Edward Bond 1938
15. G Coetzee Gerald Coetzee 2023
16. GPD Hartigan Gerald Patrick Desmond Hartigan 1912
17. GFJ Liebenberg Gerhardus Frederick Johannes Liebenberg 1995
18. GL Cloete Gihahn Love Cloete 2018
19. GG Hall Glen Gordon Hall 1965
20. GA Stuurman Glenton Anric Stuurman 2021
21. WH Ashley William Hare Ashley 1889
22. G Cripps Godfrey Cripps 1892
23. GB Lawrence Godfrey Bernard Lawrence 1961
24. GC White Gordon Charles White 1906
25. RG Pollock Robert Graeme Pollock 1963
26. GC Smith Graeme Craig Smith 2002
27. GL van Buuren Graeme Lourens van Buuren
28. GA Chevalier Grahame Anton Chevalier 1970
29. GH Bodi Gulam Hussain Bodi 2007
30. GA Kempis Gustav Adolph Kempis 1889
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