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Find the information about cricket players profiles of $mainCountryName starting with alphabet "B"

South Africa Players Start with B

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. EA Halliwell Ernest Austin Halliwell 1892
2. BA Richards Barry Anderson Richards 1970
3. AB Tancred Augustus Bernard Tancred 1889
4. AEE Vogler Albert Edward Ernest Vogler 1906
5. BE Hendricks Beuran Eric Hendricks 2014
6. JH Anderson James Henry Anderson 1902
7. EB Lundie Eric Balfour Lundie 1914
8. WHB Frank William Hughes Bowker Frank 1896
9. WW Wade Walter Wareham Wade 1938
10. JW Zulch Johan Wilhelm Zulch 1910
11. BC Fortuin Bjorn Carl Fortuin 2019
12. RH Catterall Robert Hector Catterall 1922
13. RJ Crisp Robert James Crisp 1935
14. ES Newson Edward Serrurier Newson 1930
15. HH Dippenaar Hendrik Human Dippenaar 1999
16. J Middleton James Middleton 1896
17. BN Schultz Brett Nolan Schultz 1992
18. BM McMillan Brian Mervin McMillan 1991
19. B Mitchell Bruce Mitchell 1929
20. WS Farrer William Stephen Farrer 1962
21. EP Nupen Eiulf Peter Nupen 1921
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