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South Africa Players Start with F

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. F du Plessis Francois du Plessis 2011
2. PS de Villiers Petrus Stephanus de Villiers 1992
3. F Behardien Farhaan Behardien 2012
4. LA Markham Lawrence Anderson Markham 1949
5. JF du Toit Jacobus Francois du Toit 1892
6. FC Plaatjies Francois Chessley Plaatjies
7. F Hearne Frank Hearne 1889
8. FL le Roux Frederick Louis le Roux 1914
9. FW Smith Frederick William Smith 1889
10. MJ Susskind Manfred John Susskind 1924
11. FJ Cook Frederick James Cook 1896
12. F Kuys Frederick Kuys 1899
13. Friedel de Wet F de Wet 2009
Scores Upcoming Results
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