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Find the information about cricket players profiles of $mainCountryName starting with alphabet "C"

South Africa Players Start with C

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. CS Delport Cameron Scott Delport
2. CD Dixon Cecil Donovan Dixon 1914
3. CK Langeveldt Charl Kenneth Langeveldt 2001
4. CM Willoughby Charl Myles Willoughby 2000
5. CG Fichardt Charles Gustav Fichardt 1892
6. CFW Hime Charles Frederick William Hime 1896
7. CH Mills Charles Henry Mills 1892
8. CFH Prince Charles Frederick Henry Prince 1899
9. CH Vintcent Charles Henry Vintcent 1889
10. CE Finlason Charles Edward Finlason 1889
11. CN Frank Charles Newton Frank 1921
12. CB Llewellyn Charles Bennett Llewellyn 1896
13. CJE Smith Charles James Edward Smith 1902
14. CGD Burger Christopher George de Villiers Burger 1958
15. CAR Duckworth Christopher Anthony Russell Duckworth 1957
16. CH Morris Christopher Henry Morris 2012
17. C Jonker Christiaan Jonker 2018
18. ACB Langton Arthur Chudleigh Beaumont Langton 1935
19. CS Wimble Clarence Skelton Wimble 1892
20. CP Carter Claude Pagdett Carter 1912
21. CE Floquet Claude Eugene Floquet 1910
22. CW Henderson Claude William Henderson 2001
23. C Newberry Claude Newberry 1913
24. CL Johnson Clement Lecky Johnson 1896
25. WA Deacon Wycliffe Andrew Deacon
26. CE Eksteen Clive Edward Eksteen 1991
27. CG Halse Clive Grey Halse 1964
28. CEB Rice Clive Edward Butler Rice 1991
29. CB van Ryneveld Clive Berrange van Ryneveld 1951
30. C Fortuin Clyde Fortuin 2024
31. C Chetty Cody Chetty
32. KC Bland Kenneth Colin Bland 1961
33. CA Ingram Colin Alexander Ingram 2010
34. DP Conyngham Dalton Parry Conyngham 1923
35. C Bosch Corbin Bosch 2024
36. CJ de Villiers Cornelius Johannes Du Preez de Villiers
37. CJPG van Zyl Cornelius Johannes Petrus Gerthardus van Zyl 1992
38. CJ Alexander Craig John Alexander
39. C Kieswetter Craig Kieswetter 2010
40. CR Matthews Craig Russell Matthews 1991
41. CA Thyssen Craig Andre Thyssen
42. CN McCarthy Cuan Neil McCarthy 1948
43. CM Francois Cyril Matthew Francois 1922
44. CL Vincent Cyril Leverton Vincent 1927
Scores Upcoming Results
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