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South Africa Players Start with M

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. CMH Hathorn Christopher Maitland Howard Hathorn 1902
2. M Ntini Makhaya Ntini 1998
3. M Yachad Mandy Yachad 1991
4. M Mosehle Mangaliso Mosehle 2017
5. M de Lange Marchant de Lange 2011
6. M Jansen Marco Jansen 2021
7. MV Boucher Mark Verdon Boucher 1997
8. MW Rushmere Mark Weir Rushmere 1992
9. MA Hanley Martin Andrew Hanley 1949
10. M van Jaarsveld Martin van Jaarsveld 2002
11. MP Breetzke Matthew Paul Breetzke 2023
12. MW Pringle Meyrick Wayne Pringle 1992
13. M Ngam Mfuneko Ngam 2000
14. MG Melle Michael George Melle 1950
15. MJG Rippon Michael James Grattan Rippon 2013
16. JMM Commaille John McIllwaine Moore Commaille 1910
17. M Pretorius Migael Pretorius
18. M Mpongwana Mihlali Mpongwana 2025
19. MJ Macaulay Michael John Macaulay 1965
20. MJ Procter Michael John Procter 1967
21. MJR Rindel Michael John Raymond Rindel 1994
22. M Zondeki Monde Zondeki 2002
23. M Morkel Morne Morkel 2006
24. MN van Wyk Morne Nico van Wyk 2003
25. M Shezi Mthokozisi Shezi 2014
26. M Bisset Murray Bisset 1899
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