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South Africa Players Start with T

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. T Shamsi Tabraiz Shamsi 2016
2. T Bavuma Temba Bavuma 2014
3. T Bosch Tertius Bosch 1992
4. TL Tsolekile Thami Lungisa Tsolekile 2004
5. T Tshabalala Thandi Tshabalala 2007
6. TB de Bruyn Theunis Booysen de Bruyn 2017
7. C Wesley Colin Wesley 1960
8. HR Lance Herbert Roy Lance 1962
9. TG Shaw Timothy Gower Shaw 1991
10. SJ Snooke Sibley John Snooke 1906
11. T Campbell Thomas Campbell 1910
12. TW Routledge Thomas William Routledge 1892
13. TA Ward Thomas Alfred Ward 1912
14. T de Zorzi Tony de Zorzi 2023
15. TA Harris Terence Anthony Harris 1947
16. AJ Pithey Anthony John Pithey 1957
17. TL Goddard Trevor Leslie Goddard 1955
18. T Stubbs Tristan Stubbs 2022
19. TL Moreki Tshepo Lebohang Moreki 2024
20. NBF Mann Norman Bertram Fleetwood Mann 1947
21. HGO Owen-Smith Harold Geoffrey Owen-Smith 1929
22. T Henderson Tyron Henderson 2006
Scores Upcoming Results
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