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South Africa Players Start with N

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. N Burger Nandre Burger 2023
2. M Hayward Mornantau Hayward 1998
3. NAT Adcock Neil Amwin Treharne Adcock 1953
4. N Brand Neil Brand 2024
5. ND McKenzie Neil Douglas McKenzie 2000
6. NV Lindsay Nevil Vernon Lindsay 1921
7. NA Quinn Neville Anthony Quinn 1929
8. N Pothas Nic Pothas 2000
9. N Boje Nico Boje 1995
10. NHCD Theunissen Nicolaas Hendrik Christiaan de Jong Theunissen 1889
11. F Nicholson Frank Nicholson 1935
12. N Gordon Norman Gordon 1938
13. N Reid Norman Reid 1921
14. N Peter Nqabayomzi Peter 2024
15. HG Deane Hubert Gouvaine Deane 1924
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