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Find the information about cricket players profiles of $mainCountryName starting with alphabet "K"

South Africa Players Start with K

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. K Rabada Kagiso Rabada 2014
2. KD Petersen Keegan Darryl Petersen 2021
3. MA Seymour Michael Arthur Seymour 1963
4. KR Smuts Kelly Royce Smuts
5. KJ Funston Kenneth James Funston 1952
6. KG Viljoen Kenneth George Viljoen 1930
7. KA Walter Kenneth Alexander Walter 1961
8. KC Wessels Kepler Christoffel Wessels 1982
9. KA Maharaj Keshav Athmanand Maharaj 2016
10. K Zondo Khayelihle Zondo 2018
11. MK Elgie Michael Kelsey Elgie 1961
12. KT Maphaka Kwena Tshegofatso Maphaka 2024
13. KJ Abbott Kyle John Abbott 2013
14. K Verreynne Kyle Verreynne 2020
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