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South Africa Players Start with P

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. PL Symcox Patrick Leonard Symcox 1993
2. PHJ Trimborn Patrick Henry Joseph Trimborn 1967
3. PE Kruger Patrick Earl Kruger 2024
4. PR Adams Paul Regan Adams 1995
5. PL Harris Paul Lee Harris 2007
6. PL Winslow Paul Lyndhurst Winslow 1950
7. PNF Mansell Percy Neville Frank Mansell 1951
8. PW Sherwell Percy William Sherwell 1906
9. PS Twentyman-Jones Percy Sydney Twentyman-Jones 1902
10. PR Carlstein Peter Rudolph Carlstein 1958
11. PS Heine Peter Samuel Heine 1955
12. PN Kirsten Peter Noel Kirsten 1991
13. PM Pollock Peter Maclean Pollock 1961
14. PL van der Merwe Peter Laurence van der Merwe 1963
15. PAM Hands Philip Albert Myburgh Hands 1913
16. P Hutchinson Philip Hutchinson 1889
17. PJ Malan Pieter Jacobus Malan
18. PC Strydom Pieter Coenraad Strydom 2000
19. PGV van der Bijl Pieter Gerhard Vintcent van der Bijl 1938
20. PJ van Biljon Petrus Johannes van Biljon 2020
21. PT Lewis Percy Tyson Lewis 1913
22. JP Fellows-Smith Jonathan Payn Fellows-Smith 1960
23. NO Norton Norman Ogilvie Norton 1910
24. P Subrayen Prenelan Subrayen
25. P Matshikwe Pumelela Matshikwe
Scores Upcoming Results
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